Hello, I need to find a way to check if I am on the home page. I know how to figure out if I am on other pages.. for example if (($GLOBALS['page'] != 'shop.browse') && ($GLOBALS['page'] != 'shop.product_details')) to see if I am on either of these virtuemart component pages. But how do I check to se...
Hi there.. I know this is an old post.. but my concern is similar and I didn't want to start another thread and lose all the valuable information that's already posted on this one. However, since there was no specific conclusion to this thread, I'd like to further it. I run a web site for my dad's n...
@ 3:21 PM PST Jan 23 2007 The connection has timed out The server at forge.joomla.org is taking too long to respond. Finally, I got this message: News Joomla! is not available forge.joomla.org is currently down for maintenance. For extended maintenance periods, status will be posted to the Joomla fo...
If I may say so, I doubt i you'll get targeted replies to your question because it is quite general. You might consider asking more specific questions.
WOW! Maxilla, I humbly take back my words . Hud, very nice reply there. They should make this a sticky on this forum
Hi Maxilla, If I may say so, I doubt i you'll get targeted replies to your question because it is quite general. You might consider asking more specific questions. Also, have you looked at the site showcases? There are several on this forum. Just do an advanced search for "school" with all site show...
dknight, thanks for the insight. i'll definitely use this component (if i can get my company to buy it ). it looks pretty sleek. i hadn't heard abt the savant template before. it seems like a neat template system. so, was the savant template used only for the extensions site or was it used for the e...
I just noticed that the extensions site - http://extensions.joomla.org - uses a component called com_mtree. Does anyone know more about this component and if it is available to the general public?