This one is funy - What is i`? - we have a little Animal in German just looks like this, we call it Zecke! - Dont know the english word, but it sucks blood ;D
Enough fun - looks nice - Think it is mostlikly a flower - is it?
Don't get me wrong...I like the hand idea...just had to do it! I crac up laughing LOL - Indeed the Hand is the best idea of all th hundrets of posts, as you can do all and everything with it, and so everybode is able to fit this logo to his Webpage;topic=3089.0;attach=1641;image AND ============================================================== For my 1 cents worth of opinion, I like the multi - colored hand-li...
Here is one I have been working on since I saw the new site. Love the color scheme so wanted to stick with the same look. The first one shows the logo by itself. The second shows my guides to show that everything is very specifically placed for a reason (and that I'm anal about good design structur...
You are right Phil still better than nothing. In the end, it is also a bit about trust as written by some people here. I think noone want to be published here as the one who stole the domain from another opensource member.
We seriously considered doing this, however the time involved and the potential for mistakes/failures leading to legal ramifications (perhaps), mean't that our legal team advised us to go the way we did. We can only do our best And by the way, I do not find it funy to pay for this domain a extra to...
[size=100][size=100]I was trying to put this thread in the announcements, but i couldn´t, only new poll button. Congratulations. Nice you have choosed one. As i understood all *mambo* domain users will know the new name thursday, 1 SEPTEMBER at 17h00 tmg. I think this will be mailed to us at that t...
m The Board received Robert Castley's resignation yesterday. This sudden decision is a result of the hateful and childish bullying in the forums and by email, and is the same reason Robert left the Mambo community last year. We are disappointed by Robert's departure but will now act to fill the vaca...