Front-End login problems Topic is solved

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Front-End login problems

Post by Spyder_Snyper » Thu Nov 15, 2007 2:12 am

So I've already posted this same general question in the 1.0.x forum; sadly, I still can't get this problem fixed.

So here's everything I know.  Hopefully, someone can help me.

So the problem is that I can't log in to the front-end part of the site.  Logging in to the backend works fine.  This is on a fresh installation.  All the suggested PHP settings are set to the Joomla! recommendations.  In short, I don't think it's anything to do with the Joomla! config.

I think it's got something to do with either the PHP, Apache, or MySQL settings go.  But I have NO way of checking that out.  How can I go about checking this out?

And to top things off, Joomla! 1.5 RC3 works fine.

I have NO idea what to look for now.  Any suggestions??

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