by alexhokamp » Tue Apr 11, 2006 5:08 pm
Reading this thread now for a while, I found negative and positive things about this whole issue. I have to disagree and agree with people’s opinions on this post, and there might be as many pros as cons in this matter. But this matter will not be solved in this forum. It will have to be solved with the checkbooks of people. If someone wants to pay for putting some ads here, I believe it will have to be welcomed, since obviously not enough funds can be raised through normal donations. Of course some will argue that until shortly Joomla! was not allowed to take monetary donations. Now Joomla! is. So where is the money?
Joomla! is an Open Source product and I believe a lot of people are generating substantial income through this product. This in itself is good, but when I look for example in the news section of the Joomla! Website and select Commercial Templates I will get 113 results meaning that there are people who are offering commercial products in the news section of the Joomla! Website. When I select the Open Source Templates in the same section, I will find only 60 results as of today. I honestly hope that Joomla! receives money from the 113 commercial templates offers presented in the news section. There are further other commercial offers in the same section, and reading the news section really lets someone believe that there is a lot of commercializing going on.
For me and the company a few friends and I formed in the end of last year, we will, in the moment a Joomla! 1.5 Stable is available start introducing Joomla! to our clients as an alternative. Some of our clients will switch to Joomla! and it will cost them money to do so. If we would not give back to this community so that it can grow once we start making money of it, we would be dead wrong.
Further I have to agree with AmyStephen. Where is my Joomla! Mug? Can someone please call George Lucas so he can tell whoever has the rights on Joomla! how to use merchandise to generate income. Generating Income does not always have to do with putting advertising on a website. The last time I looked, the Joomla! Forum had over 30000 members, from whom of course many are not really active, but there is a real big community out there which could help. I believe that the Brand Joomla! itself has a very big potential and as already mentioned before here, all the so called marketing professionals really should be able to do something with this Brand.
That brings me to another point I read with surprise. AmyStephen wrote that some of the core members were not able to go to the Linux World. That is in my opinion very embarrassing, especially since the dates for this shows are very well known and since there was enough time beforehand to raise funds for this events. Where were all the advertising and all the requests to donate money? Wouldn’t the Joomla! Website be a good place to put something like “WE NEED MONEY” right in front of everyone’s eyes. If I would have to handle that, I would have written, called, faxed, and messaged all the people putting all the commercial offers on the Joomla! site and asked them for money, because they obviously make money with the product Joomla! That of course should not let all the others out of the bind who also use Joomla! commercially or generate income with it.
In my opinion this is all about giving and taking. Joomla! has given a lot since it came into the market, now it is time to take back a little since obviously not many are willing to give. To all the people who complain about the advertising in this forum, I only can say, that if enough money would have been donated, advertising would not be necessary. Or maybe Joomla! should allow no advertising to please everyone, and when it runs out of money, just shut the site down until money is donated. Wow, that would be a treat to read “Sorry this Website is temporary unavailable because we ran out of money! Please call 1-800-JOOMLA to donate and save us!”
All fun beside. This actually is a serious matter, and I believe, that if the right heads get put together and work on this, there will be a solution. I found some good attempts here already and hope that maybe this whole thing here will lead to some constructive work being done.
Of course now everyone is free to tear my post apart and analyze it to death, it really does not bother me. For me, this matter is a serious issue, and I am intending to talk with people to find out what can be done, because something has to be done to support Joomla!