@DanielN The file on this post by JM: <
http://forum.joomla.org/index.php/topic ... #msg455550 > should be unzipped and copied to this directory on your Joomla! website: /administrator/components/com_mambots
@McYoda - do you have an .htaccess problem? If not, please post another request for help in the UPGRADE forum. <
http://forum.joomla.org/index.php/board,36.0.html > BUT, before you do, please look at the titles on the other posts -- you will probably find a good match on the first couple pages. BUT, if not, please post a request for help there. We really aren't supposed to do requests and provide help in the announcements forum (although people don't really understand and that is ok.)
@THE_AI - No. Not yet.
It's been about 24 hours, if anyone is asking me MY opinion (which of course they never do! lol) I would say wait at least a few days! There are things happening and we don't want to do this every couple of days. (No worries, though, I make no decisions.) BUT - when there is one, you won't have to ask - it will be announced!
@ThunderStrucky and
@DoomFX -
Sorry. +++++
@Lipton please post your request for help <
http://forum.joomla.org/index.php/topic ... #msg456617 > where Beat and Websmurf are focused in that area.
@Jules you would be far better off asking that question in the Security forum. Can I get you to do that, please?
@Irampagemc - Please post that in the UPGRADE forum, too (look at titles, first). <
http://forum.joomla.org/index.php/board,36.0.html >