Tennessee American Indian Migrations

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Tennessee American Indian Migrations

Post by NativePages » Sat Mar 24, 2007 4:42 am

[list][*]Site: http://www.tnaim.org
[*]Organization: Totally grassroot effort of members of the community
[*]Site mission: "Our goal is to publish the history of this state [Tennessee] relevant to American Indians from the perspective of American Indians. Unlike the white-privileging versions already available in print and online, we don't intend to "whitewash" the facts, even if it means tarnishing a few colonial sons. We also plan to show that more than five tribes occupied this state [Tennessee], that Indians occupied this state prior to the arrival of those five tribes, and that there were intertribal agreements between those nations."

This site is truly a grassroots community effort. The site is in its infancy, but we hope to build up its content as quickly as possible.

I work a lot with various community groups and 9 out of 10 times end up doing all their webwork for them because they become so frustrated with trying to learn to update information themselves. tnaim.org was the first time I set up a package designed for multiple authors/editors where the endusers really could figure out how to submit their articles with minimal trouble, minimal tech support, and minimal tweaking on my part (except for adding images).  THANK YOU Joomla team.

The map is done using the GMap component (look in the extensions section of this site or visit fire-stormtechnologies.com). For anyone wanting to add a custom map to their site, you just can't beat the GMap package (be sure and download both the component package AND the mambot package!!!). I had a map coded straight out of Google's tutorials, but never could get it to do what I wanted. GMaps really made that possible, and Chris's support of his product is phenomenal. I don't think I ever went even 24 hours between questions and answers. Truly amazing!

Both products have me sold. I have another site in the wings waiting for that organization's board to approve it tomorrow, and two more (minimum) coming up in the next few weeks - one for a church and one for an ethnic newspaper (I plan to add iJoomla's magazine component to that one). 


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