ot2sen wrote:Hopefully the users and developers will pay a little more attention to
the rulesSeems like some users/devs. read the rules after having submitted an extension or a review/vote.
We would prefer that the rules was read first
Hi! I have a suggestion to the extensions directory - although I am not sure this is the right place to do it. (In this case I hope one of the moderators will direct me to the right place) So:
I frequently scan the joomla extensions website and try to draw a kind of decision about a given extension by a quick scan of the reviews. Some(?)times I just have the feeling that some guys like it, some don't. I wonder why? Will I be one or the other if I install that particular extension? What is the reason for the difference? Difficult, sometimes I just go and try myself.
However sometimes I just feel that different reviews are about different versions of the same extension.
It is always impossible to figure out what was the version of the extension that triggered that review.
Well, reviewers should mention it, but they just don't.
It my quite well happen that an extension at early development stage involves some thumbs down, but later the developers improve the product and they gain thumbs up.
I guess it would not be a big problem for the managers of the site somehow automatize that in the header of the review they built in a title line that the review does show not only the date when it was written, but also the version number of the given extension.
I think it would help a lot the users to see if the thumbs down reviews are still relevant to the up2date version of the extension.
Well, thats all. Thanks.
By the way: I love Joomla! Great product, thanks for it and congrs for the new "Best CMS" award! Greg