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extention installation how-to for newbies

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 9:57 am
by buddhaji
just installed joomla this week and it is wonderful, smart, easy... for a newbie.
one place I did get stuck - couldnt find forum answers on - was installing extentions.
it turns out it is mostly simple but I have seen a few threads where people were stuck and no one answered them.

so what might be good is to say
1. once you download - go to the installer header to install (I know it sounds simple, but when your brand new at this...)

2. some files say what they are (eg, com_xxx bot_xxx mod_xxx) but some dont. And when they dont install, it means they first need to be unzipped and then installed

3. once loaded, go to the section header (eg mambots) and open and read instructions (they are located with the extention). Components are listed under their own header.

that's it; that would have helped me - hope this can help others.