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Looking for a webmaster trainee for international nonprofit magazine

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 12:35 am
by victortc

We recently launched the Joomla site of our nonprofit magazine, INTHEFRAY, an award-winning international publication that seeks to question, inform, and inspire conversations about identity and community:

I'm looking for someone to help me with the maintenance and gradual enhancement of our site. We're an all-volunteer staff, so there's no compensation, but I could teach you what I've learned over the past two years (through scouring this forum and through painful trial and error ...). It's a chance to pick up tech skills, learn about online publishing, and volunteer for a meaningful cause.

We're using a custom template and we've done quite a few modifications to certain components/modules/etc., and I'm looking for someone I could train to continue this work. I'd like someone who could commit to working with us for at least six months. I think you'll enjoy being part of our team -- we're spread out across the country and world, and we have a good time working on this grassroots zine. Please e-mail me at recruiting-at-inthefray-dot-org if you're interested. Thanks very much!
