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Older components suffering from no ratings?

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 6:34 pm
by dcsweb
We have a component that has been on the extensions directory since this time last year.

I know the extensions directory has gone through some revisions, as all good things do. I just have a quick question on the ratings from comments before a rating was required. Most of our rated reviews sit at 5 stars, but our overall rating is at a two. We only have 24 votes so I know that the sheer lack of votes means that a negative vote can impact the rating.

I'm wondering how comments are handled that do not have a rating on them? Are that calc'ed at a zero?
if that is the case, can I suggest/request that older comments that have no rating be calculated at an 'average' rating? I wouldn't want to think we'd get penalized for being here the longest ;)

I know this part was mentioned in other posts, but what about a way to view the voting for the extension managers? Not asking to reveal voters, but at least a way to see the votes and stars given? Maybe even stop anonymous voting. I've suspected deliberate negative votes on our component since it took a nose dive quickly...with no reviews to see what it was in regards to. IMO it would be great to give developers a chance to rectify the issues that are causing a negative vote.

Thanks so much for your time and consideration on the topic and I look forward to your response!

Re: Older components suffering from no ratings?

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 7:08 pm
by ot2sen
Hi dscweb,

Your extension dont have a lower average score because of reviews without votes.
At this stage reviews and votes are not fully tied together. So users can review without voting and vote without reviewing  ;)
Each user can only vote and/or review once for each extension.
Only registered users can vote and/or review.

* We do pay attention to the votes given, and when it comes to our knowledge that someone tries to manipulate the rating system, then this will be corrected and the user or devekoper having done that will be banned. Will check if there should be any suspicious negative votes given for your extension.

Re: Older components suffering from no ratings?

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 7:20 pm
by dcsweb
Thanks a ton for such a prompt response.

It could simply be that our component stinks!  Hopefully that's not the case. It would be helpful to be able to see the voting so that we could adjust our component as needed.

Thanks again!

Also, we've had some reports that members had wrote a review and it didn't post. One of our customers was in yesterday to pick up a cd copy of our component/modules and while he was here he used one of our terminals and wrote a review...I don't see it.  I personally wrote a review on CB 102 yesterday to test this (and review a good component we use), and can't seem to find the review anywhere?

If there are no other reports of this, then I'll assume it's something on our end (load balanced firewalls, multiple providers/ips) that could have somehow caused this. Figured I'd mention it anyway.

Re: Older components suffering from no ratings?

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 7:35 pm
by ot2sen
Patience is the keyword for reviews not being posted (yet).
Each review is manually approved, to ensure that comments/support requests/spam/etc... are not being published as reviews.
So its a matter of time until one of the Editors stop by the office and approve  8)

Re: Older components suffering from no ratings?

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 7:46 pm
by dcsweb
Absolutely perfect answer. We were just discussing the minor changes in the extension directory since we signed up awhile back. Comments/reviews used to post almost instantly.

Our thoughts were that since the extension count had risen from the 500 or so when we joined that it's up to over 1400 now. We figured there would be some sort of manual moderation or approval needed these days.

Thanks again so much for your patience on the questions I had. Great moderators are hard to come by!

Re: Older components suffering from no ratings?

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 8:00 pm
by ot2sen
You´re welcome  :)