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Glass history and collector information specialised sites

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 10:28 am
by FrankA2
Round about 1998 I started to build a website to address the questions raised by a book I was co-authour of in 1990. This site just grew and grew and grew. It is not yet Joomla but much of its 'not directly related' content has now been migrated to one of two Joomla! based sites:

  • Scotland's Glass This site is in the start up phase and a number of html articles still need to be transferred from the site root to Joomla. It's main feature is the catalogue which uses Virtuemart, currently 1500+ items and 4,000 images that should grow to 40 or 50,000 items. I am trying to get other researchers involved too.
  • The Glass Zoo This last one is a subscription site to cover the growing costs of these advert free websites since becoming a member of the 'retired' community. Any surplus is being added to a fund to maintain the sites into perpetuity. The site still operates on an informatoin sharing basis.

Re: Glass history and collector information specialised sites

Posted: Thu May 10, 2007 3:21 am
by matthewhayashida
Both sites look good. No problems.