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Listing Sponsors/Donors on your site

Posted: Thu May 24, 2007 4:11 pm
by runlikeanantelope
Does anyone have a cool idea for recognizing the sponsors of your organization and the agencies that your non-profit benefits?

Right now, I just list them in text, but would like a "better on the eyes" idea if anyone has one.

Re: Listing Sponsors/Donors on your site

Posted: Thu May 24, 2007 8:47 pm
by cdbragg
There are a few options for making rotating banners using either AJAX or Flash - you could use these modules on your front page and have them scroll through the sponsor logos.  I can't think what they are called (or if there is one that is better than the rest) - but do a search in the extensions forum for rotating banner or something like that.

You could also use the "Random Image Gallery" module - and use it again to show a randomly selected sponsor logo.  Clicking on the image could take your site visitors through to the full listing of sponsors.

Good luck!


Re: Listing Sponsors/Donors on your site

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 6:02 pm
by gcotabish
We used the logos of our sponsors along with links to their website.  See

Good luck!


Re: Listing Sponsors/Donors on your site

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 4:05 pm
by npohostusa
Without seeing your website to make a clear suggestion as to available real estate you
could use, I would offer the following as my two cents.

You mentioned supporters and beneficiaries of your efforts.  I would begin by separating
the two of these.


I would provide a page listing the agencies/organizations your nonprofit benefits.  You
would include a blurb about each organization with either a graphic or text link to their
site.  After all, content is king and the more information you give about what you do the
better received your site will be.


I would further divide this into two levels

Level 2 would be supporters/contributors and would be on a page titled "supporters" or
something of that nature.  This could end up being quite a long list of individual names or
corporations and could provide for links to their sites if feasible/desirable.  People
sometimes like to see their name/company name listed as a supporter even if it's only a
small amount.  Of course, get permission before listing individual names

Level 1 would be your big partners/supporters that you want to give top level recognition
to.  I would suggest getting small graphic banners from each one and doing one of the
following two options for them

1)  If you have a three column site, one thing that is common with most joomla sites I see
is that the third column is generally shorter than the rest of the page.  Create a module
(Named Partners) using the graphics and link to the partner sites in the third column
extra space

2)  Another area on many joomla sites that often goes unused is the footer.  You could do
the same type of module with the graphics/links in your footer.  There are many
corporate websites that use this area, and every sponsor would appear every time instead
of rotating them.

Sorry for the length of the post, but I tend to get a little long winded at times.

PM me if you need help with this, and hope it helps in the creative process a bit.


Re: Listing Sponsors/Donors on your site

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2007 9:17 pm
by maddunr
Hi there.. I know this is an old post.. but my concern is similar and I didn't want to start another thread and lose all the valuable information that's already posted on this one. However, since there was no specific conclusion to this thread, I'd like to further it.

I run a web site for my dad's non-profit socio-religious organization that runs purely based on individual donations. Fortunately, the community has been very giving and the number of donors runs is pretty large every year. So far I have been using a simple html table to list the donors chronologically, by year of donation. But now the list has grown too long and it takes far too long for the page to load and my dad is having problems making changes / additions to the donor list on his dialup account.

My question is: Is there a "list manager" component that simply lets you create, maintain and display lists? Here are some of the salient features that I am looking for in that component:

  • Easy frontend administration (basic)
  • Ability to split into categories (in my case, year of donation), or not (one default category)
  • Ability to add columns if necessary (name, location, amount etc.)
  • CSS tags for customizing output

If there is already some component that does all this, please let me know.
