VirtualHost with Joomla - Switch live site from localhost to debugdomain
Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 1:36 pm
It is also related to debugging between localhost or
Q: Unable to view my site properly from my debug domain name:, only from localhost that it is displayed properly. Is there a way to make the transition automatic!
The 'problem' is related to the variable $mosConfig_live_site. When changing from localhost to we assume that your site is going live. Therefore, you want to update the $mosConfig_live_site variable in the configuration file.
If you need to perform other test with a temporary "almost" live site then you would have to change that variable every time.
Now, you could also modify your configuration file like this.
Change this line
At the bottom of the file and BEFORE the php closing bracket "?>", add the following function:
Of course, PHP expert can modify this function to make it look even better.
With Apache, if you have set you VirtualHost to "/virtualdirectory" in the httpd.conf file, it will also work.
Q: Unable to view my site properly from my debug domain name:, only from localhost that it is displayed properly. Is there a way to make the transition automatic!
The 'problem' is related to the variable $mosConfig_live_site. When changing from localhost to we assume that your site is going live. Therefore, you want to update the $mosConfig_live_site variable in the configuration file.
If you need to perform other test with a temporary "almost" live site then you would have to change that variable every time.
Now, you could also modify your configuration file like this.
Change this line
Code: Select all
$mosConfig_live_site = 'http://localhost/myvirtualdirectory';
Code: Select all
$mosConfig_live_site = getLiveSite(); //'http://localhost/myvirtualdirectory';
At the bottom of the file and BEFORE the php closing bracket "?>", add the following function:
Code: Select all
function getLiveSite(){
$s = empty($_SERVER["HTTPS"]) ? ''
: ($_SERVER["HTTPS"] == "on") ? "s"
: "";
$proto = explode('/', $_SERVER["SERVER_PROTOCOL"]);
$protocol = strtolower($proto[0]).$s;
$port = ($_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"] == "80") ? ""
: (":".$_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"]);
$getVD = explode('/', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
if(count($getVD) <=2 ){
$virtualdir = '';
$virtualdir = '/' . $getVD[1];
return $protocol."://".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].$port. $virtualdir;
Of course, PHP expert can modify this function to make it look even better.
With Apache, if you have set you VirtualHost to "/virtualdirectory" in the httpd.conf file, it will also work.