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Forum Structure - subforums

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 2:41 am
by Rogue4ngel
As we start to see ideas solidify here, it's becoming clear that we are going to want to start breaking things down a bit regarding how we're structuring the forum.  It would seem a few subforums might be appropriate so we can further organize and make it easy to get to the information people need.

I've discussed a few ideas here with a few of you, but I would like to put it out to the rest of the people who'd like to give some feedback on it.  So far we've seen some excellent ideas, and I think we can keep the trend going.

Some of the subforums that have been discussed at this point:

Class or Coursework Forum - where project lists, project agenda's and other ideas can be collected, commented on, and completed as we see a JPG move along their directed study.

Tutorial or Programming Q/A forum - This forum would be specifically for programming questions by the general populace of programmers.  This could be from a current project group, or just someone starting out who is working on a particular project.

Team and Project Forum - A place where ideas can be germinated and laid out for people to consider (this would encompass the extension wish list post, where projects can be brought up, and then individuals can discuss them).  Teams can be formed for a particular project as well.  This would be the place for those who may just want to hang out as well with other coders looking to break into the field.  Meet and Greet and find someone you click with and want to work with.  Project leaders can gather up the people they need to embark on projects from this forum as well.

There are just some basic ideas.  They can be fine tuned, honed, or changed completely.  After we come up with a more concrete list, we'll approach the team and give the formal proposal for the setup and the additions we'd like to see, and get more feedback from there, and hopefully have what we need set up.  With the great support they have given to this point, I would feel fairly confident they'll accommodate the group.

Re: Forum Structure - subforums

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 3:05 am
by ChiefGoFor
What about the main "Joomla! Coding 101" forum.. what will its purpose be?

Re: Forum Structure - subforums

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 3:20 am
by Rogue4ngel
We could keep the main forum for general q/a about the project, plus we can continue to use it as a collaborative forum for ideas pertaining to the Coding 101 project in general.  I'm working on a faq to give some more descriptiveness to the actual initiative and go over some of the basics that we've been working out.  A sort of 'get your foot in the door' type of forum for those new and having questions as to how they get involved, etc.. etc..

Re: Forum Structure - subforums

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 3:38 am
by matthewhayashida
Looks good to me. Sounds like you have thought this through. Good job! :)

Re: Forum Structure - subforums

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 8:35 am
by jalil
ChiefGoFor wrote:What about the main "Joomla! Coding 101" forum.. what will its purpose be?

i think it will be the reception lounge to receive and welcome new members and to guide members to specific project/class areas.
its purpose would be forum traffic control and general coding discussions.

Re: Forum Structure - subforums

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 6:12 pm
by dartagnan32
Good Idea!
It looks, good, well organized! 8)

Re: Forum Structure - subforums

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 5:39 pm
by Rogue4ngel
After watching the 101 forum take on a life of its own (which is something I do love about this community; how they take an idea and add to it with such amazing contributions), we're still on the fence about how best to break down these forums.  I've got a bit of variation to my initial ideas - a more clear breakdown of things.  Let me know what people think about this:

Joomla! Coding 101
  Main forum for general discussion about the initiative, where to find what you're looking for, and engage in discussions on tools and other assorted issues that have arisen.


Joombie Coding Q/A
  Geared toward the beginner and novice programmer to ask a million and one questions about anything and everything having to do with coding for the Joomla! CMS.

Joombie Initiatives
  This forum is geared specifically towards building the community and projects.  A think tank for ideas and gathering up teams to work on specific projects.  Inspiring ideas and concepts are encouraged here!  This would include applications, and other ideas that will help further the joombie developer cause.

Joombie Developer Lab
  This forum is for discussions regarding any particular project, program, directed study, or course work in progress.  Questions should be specific to the projects, coursework, schedules and other items specific to current initiatives.  These projects can be as simple as testing out a current IDE to building a suite of apps to extend Joomla!

I have specifically kept tutorials and other course development from being separated.  I believe that the initiative forum would be an excellent place to germinate and formulate ideas, but any documentation, tutorials, and course creation would better benefit in an environment more akin to a wiki or other collaborative methods.

I think this would be a good start, but of course, I'd like to hear what people have to say before we finally give this place some structure.

Re: Forum Structure - subforums

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 5:48 pm
by jalil
looks absolutely perfect to me. simple, well thought out, and clear. you have this gift of organising.

Re: Forum Structure - subforums

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 5:51 pm
by matthewhayashida
Very nice. Shall we propose it to the Forum Admins?

Re: Forum Structure - subforums

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 7:09 pm
by dartagnan32
So nice! so when do these come up?  :-*

Re: Forum Structure - subforums

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 7:44 pm
by Rogue4ngel
So far good feedback.  I'm just waiting for a few more responses to see if we have any other input, and I'll pose the new subforums to the team and see what they think.

We'll need to do some work to put up descriptions and perhaps a faq or two. In all likelyhood, it could be sooner than later.

Re: Forum Structure - subforums

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 2:16 am
by seadap
Should we dedicate a sub-forum to getting Joombies up to speed on certain things like how to set up the currently used ide/debugger and other "standard" tutorials?  I'm thinking something like a specific repository where the only posts are about how to use the tools that the collective has deemed standard faire?


Re: Forum Structure - subforums

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 1:20 pm
by AmyStephen
To add to Scott's comment, it would be good to have a forum named "Joomla! Development for Beginners Wiki" that will go with the new Developer Wiki section we will soon be building.

Scott - when we have instructions in the Wiki for how to install/configure the IDE and other necessary tools, those questions could be asked and answered in that sub-forum. Do you think that would suffice?

Amy :)

Re: Forum Structure - subforums

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 1:29 pm
by seadap

That's exactly what I had in mind.  I think it will take some effort to keep the posts on topic but I think it would be worth having a repository for standardized tutorials and questions/answers.

On a similar note, as I've been working with each of the different flavors of eclipse, I've noticed that each one has it's bugs/quirks and  things it does particularly well.  Researching each of these in their respective forums leads me to believe that while they are each headed in slightly different directions based on their own priorities, each is a very much evolving creature.  That in mind, I think we should have an on going discussion about which one is the best to use.  I know we'll each have our opinions and I'm sure we'll not all agree but I think it would be a mistake to select a particular incarnation of our beloved IDE only to find out that there's a slightly better one down the block.  If we were able to keep the communication flowing, we would be able to keep up to date on the development of each of them. 

Just my 2cents.


Re: Forum Structure - subforums

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 1:37 pm
by Rogue4ngel
So you're thinking a tutorial ideas, building, and Q/A for things other than coding, like tools.  I think it sounds like a good idea.  I'm hoping to get things set up by the weekend.

How about this -

Joombie Tools of the Trade
Discussion, tutorials, and Q/A for tools and other assorted items needed to equip the joombie with everything they need to embark on their developer journeys.

I'd rather not try to tie this directly to the wiki, because that will limit contribution.  I think this will go beyond wiki topics, but I am sure some of the contribution will eventually end up being used on a wiki.

Re: Forum Structure - subforums

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 1:42 pm
by AmyStephen
I like that, Tim. Given Scott's observations, I think a tools sub forum is warranted. Maybe when we get ready for a grand opening on the Wiki course, we can revisit a sub forum specific to that purpose. We will know more by then what we might require.

Adding in the Joombie Tools of the Trade you suggest, combined with your existing choices, sounds good to me.

Amy :)

Re: Forum Structure - subforums

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 2:20 pm
by seadap
I like it Tim.  I think once we've decided what tools we are going to use we can create wiki articles for their install/use.  Meanwhile, an open discussion about them is still important.

Re: Forum Structure - subforums

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 2:30 pm
by Rogue4ngel
I think even after that, there will be a lot of questions and other assorted issues that will make it useful.  This was one that I had considered, but was on the fence about.  Seeing, though, the amount of work going into working with a good IDE, and other things that could come out of it, I think it would good to have a place to see what tools we are using, what tools we may find, quiestions to ask about using them, etc etc...

Re: Forum Structure - subforums

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 7:26 pm
by mike_dowler
I would like to propose something: a sub-forum for coding project logs.  I am thinking of something similar to the modding project logs found on Bit-tech:

The idea would be for newcomers and those with some (limited) experience to describe their project in regular updates - maybe every day, if lots of work is being done - and post code files so people can see what they are doing.  Others can comment on their ideas, learn from them, suggest better ways of doing things, etc.

I am just about to start on a component, and would be more than happy to do a log as I go along.  I would need somewhere to put it though!  I am not a complete novice - I have written a couple of basic components - though I still have a lot to learn.


Re: Forum Structure - subforums

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 7:51 pm
by seadap
There was some discussion about that in last night's chat.  There might be a "Joombie" section at coming soon just for that very purpose.  Stay tuned!