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New "List Categories/Sections" module

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 8:54 pm
by quiquedcode
Hi guys
I've started developing a new module that displays sections/categories in the following way


I've got (borrowed ;D) code from google, forums, etc.
As you can see, I've put lots of parameters so the module can be very configurable, but there's still lot code to put for it to work as it should

My first question:

1. How should I generate the URL for the links for
a: Categories
b: Sections
Having into account that the links are generated from this module, and not by the std. joomla menu manager ?

Thanks a lot in advance, and any1 is welcomed to take part in development of this new module  8)

Re: New "List Categories/Sections" module

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 3:31 pm
by quiquedcode
Hi again
Here is the newest version, but it still doesn't have some features implemented, like:

- use thumbnails class to make the small images for categories/sections
- implement 2 parameters box_width and box_height
- implement box_border parameter
- implement image_border parameter

and mainly to implement better the link generation for each box

Hope some1 can help me to make this module a great module... before I publish in the official extensions repository

Re: New "List Categories/Sections" module

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 8:50 am
by active_innovation
downloading now. Will check it out and give you a shout.  Thanks

Re: New "List Categories/Sections" module

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2007 4:51 pm
by ewel
I cannot offer you any help but will you keep the forum updated about your module? It looks very interesting and I think I would have very good use for it! Better yet, will you put it in the extensions directory?