another extension's submission
Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 10:11 am
Yesterday, I've submitted a commercial extension on the Joomla's extensions directory, in the 'real estate' section at 6:00pm(GMT+1).
My addon consist in a hack of the great component HotProperty, to extend its functionalities to those of a real catalog component, like multiple nested categories(as deep as needed), contextual and inheritable extrafields that can now be related to several categories...
Before submitted it, I read the 'rules' and my addon doesn't seem to be in conflict with any of those...
But my addon still not appear in the directory, whereas others do.
I'm aware there is not a long time since I submitted it and I can be patient but if there was a problem with my extension, I really would like to know it.
in advance, thank you.
Antoine Bernier
Yesterday, I've submitted a commercial extension on the Joomla's extensions directory, in the 'real estate' section at 6:00pm(GMT+1).
My addon consist in a hack of the great component HotProperty, to extend its functionalities to those of a real catalog component, like multiple nested categories(as deep as needed), contextual and inheritable extrafields that can now be related to several categories...
Before submitted it, I read the 'rules' and my addon doesn't seem to be in conflict with any of those...
But my addon still not appear in the directory, whereas others do.
I'm aware there is not a long time since I submitted it and I can be patient but if there was a problem with my extension, I really would like to know it.
in advance, thank you.
Antoine Bernier