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possible to change the article linked to a menu on mainmenu???

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 10:26 pm
by sw1sschez
Ok this is what I been doing with linking an article to a menu button on the main menu.

1. write static article on static content menu
2. link it to a menu button i havent created yet.
3. create menu button on the menu manager.

I would like to be able to create the menu buttons first, then create articles that link to the menu buttons. I cant find anywhere on the interface where I create the article, to link it to an "already made menu button"

Can someone tell me if it's possible to create menus first, then supply it with static pages later....for example, i am screwed currently ,if I want to change the article that the article is already linked to a menu button. I start from scratch and delete the old menu button AND article.  ??? ??? ??? ???

Re: possible to change the article linked to a menu on mainmenu???

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2007 1:45 pm
by mike_dowler
You can certainly change the article that the menu item points to - just edit the menu item in the backend and click the select button (in the top right section) to change the article.

So I guess you could create a menu first, linking every item to a dummy article, and then change them later when the 'real' articles are available

Re: possible to change the article linked to a menu on mainmenu???

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2007 4:29 pm
by mike_dowler
You may also like to check out Roktodo:

written by Andrew Eddie (known as masterchief on the forums) - J! lead developer