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New menu item + expand, how ?

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 3:03 pm
by Jissouille
I am writing a component with several views and want to give access to these views from the frontend but as separate choices.
The behaviour I'm trying to mimic is the one you get when you do this :
  • go to admin
  • select a menu
  • click on new
There I'm presented a list of modules/components : articles, contacts, newsfeeds, polls, etc.
If I select "articles", I am directed to a sub list (/administrator/index.php?option=com_menus&task=type&menutype=mainmenu&cid[]=&expand=content)
I think it's called (free translation from french) "menu item type selection".

That's what I want : define the possible choices for expand so the admin can add each view in its own menu.

I guess everything (choices, related help, etc.) is defined in the XML file but don't understand where and how this should go. Could you direct me to the proper documentation page ?

Thanks for your help,


PS: For Joomla! 1.5

Re: New menu item + expand, how ?

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 5:46 pm
by Jissouille
To see IanMac's brilliant explanation, click here,238317.msg1096410.html#msg1096410