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Chicago User Group February Topic: SEO For Success

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 2:03 am
by DesignGuy
"Search Engine Optimization For Success"
Presented by two of our Founding Members,
Philip DeKoker & Mike Carson

You're invited to our free monthly JoomlaChicago User Group meeting on Wednesday, Feb 13th. 

Free lunch, free wireless, free information - but don't let the price fool you, the information will be quite valuable.
Go to: to RSVP today.

11:30 Pre-meeting Warm-up "Joomla 101" - Basics of Joomla!  (optional)

Noon -1:00 pm: "SEO For Success"

1pm - 1:30: After half-hour Networking

Location:  Offices of The Acquity Group
500 West Madison, Suite 2200 (22nd floor) in Chicago
RSVP: Mandatory - seating is limited

The focus is 100% education, so be prepared to learn and share ideas and insights. Stay in the Loop on Joomla!

PS: Suburban Crystal Lake Meeting coming soon too. Please contact me if you're interested in either meeting.

Re: Chicago User Group February Topic: SEO For Success

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 3:35 am
by DesignGuy
Our February meeting had 44 sign-ups. We're now over 90 members in Chicago. Thank you to all who are helping to create this group, and focus on excellence in Joomla education.