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Joomla modifications question - PHP developer new to Joomla!

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 8:25 am
by steve23
Hello to everyone.

I'm to begin experimenting building websites with Joomla! CMS and just wanted to ask some questions. I've already installed the 1.5 version and I got used to the new enviroment. I know to create categories, sections, articles, manage menus, users, etc... Now let's say I have a website about PC tech and I want to add articles in the "Graphics Card Reviews" category.

1) I want to have a sector in the CMS where I can upload my Graphics Card Manufacture Companies (Ati, nVidia, Gigabyte, Asus, etc).

2) I want to add a drop-down menu when I want to add an article in the Graphics Card Reviews category, where I'll be able to choose the said Companies. I know to write the PHP code, but well... I don't know where!

3) Can I configure somehow the Article Manager, so I can add a new link to have the specific "Graphics Card Reviews Add Article" and not having the dropdown menu, to every article I add, no matter what category it is.

4) Generally how can I alter the articles by adding new content, such as input fields, checkboxes, radio buttons, forms, etc affecting my database.

Sorry for the long post  :-[

Re: Joomla modifications question - PHP developer new to Joomla!

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 5:50 am
by Wendy
I think the best place for this is the Coding 101 forums.  I'm going to move it over there.  Good luck with your idea :)