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CBAuthorbot Hack Questions

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 3:51 am
by wreckchick
Yeah, I know, it's a hack on a mambot for a 3rd Party Extension... but the question really is Joomla based!

I got the plug-in and installed it and it's working fine on 1.0.13 with the latest CB build.  The issue is that I would like to display the avatar, article title, author and date created in a table format.  I've got the table defined, I've got the avatar where I want it, I have the author's name displayed where I want it and the link back to the profile is working.

I don't know how to get the date created and title to put them in the table cells or how to then suppress those items where they want to show themselves on the page.

I realize this is probably an uber-rookie issue, so if you want to kick this back into the main forum, I understand.

Thank you for all your help!


P.S.  I'm happy to supply the working code, but I don't want to paste it in here and I don't know how to do that cool scrolly block thing, so let me know what I need to do!