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change your bookmarks to work with new forum

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 6:37 pm
by Brenda
This is for firefox bookmarks but should be similar method for IE or other.

1. restart your computer - this will make a backup of your current bookmarks in the bookmarkbackups folder.

I used textpad which allows regular expressions - someone who knows more about regular expressions could probably write this in one line :)

C:\Documents and Settings\HP_Administrator\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\(some weird letters).default\bookmarks.html
your path will probably not be \HP_Administrator\ just open any file in Mydocuments to see what your path is.

make a copy of bookmarks.html to work on - you won't replace this file until you have made sure everything works ok

you are going to search and replace all occurrences

find (tick the regular expression box)

Code: Select all

replace with

Code: Select all

find (untick the regular expression box)

Code: Select all,
replace with

Code: Select all
find (untick the regular expression box)

Code: Select all

replace with

open the file you just changed in your browser & check everything is working ok & you are getting to the correct posts

if all ok
make another copy of the changes you just made and call it bookmarks.bak

replace the original bookmarks.html & bookmarks.bak in firefox
you have to replace both files or your changes will just be overwritten by firefox tomorrow
restart firefox

People with websites that link to the forums could do similar in phpmyadmin