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Static Text on Homepage (only)

Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 7:15 pm
by trippy1976
I've been trying to find the answer to this by search, etc. but can't *quite* find the answer.

I am installing a Joomla site. I really want my front page to have a central area where I have:

[static text]
[news items]

I have searched and looked and the best solution for me was to make a custom module for the static text. I did that and it really is the best option for me for a large variety of reasons. The only problem is that I assigned it to a display area like "user1" and in my site template I can see where that is set to display.

Now, my static module shows up everywhere. I just want it on the home page. How can I do this? Can I add something to my template to only display user1 if we're on the front page? Can I set in the module via admin to only show on certain pages, etc?

Re: Static Text on Homepage (only)

Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 7:44 pm
by Rogue4ngel
What version of Joomla are you using?

Re: Static Text on Homepage (only)

Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 9:24 pm
by trippy1976
1.5, sorry. Thanks!

Re: Static Text on Homepage (only)

Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2008 12:38 am
by Rogue4ngel
In the admin menu:

Extensions -> Module Manager

Click the check box associated with the module and then select the edit icon, or click on the module title link to go into edit mode.

On the lower left, you will see Menu Select. This is where you will determine where your module will appear.

There are three radio buttions: All, None, Select Menu Items...

The default is typically ALL. Just choose Select, and then select Home (or whatever the menu name that brings you to the home page). I believe that should do it.

Re: Static Text on Homepage (only)

Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2008 5:34 am
by trippy1976
Well that did address that particular issue.

Funny enough if you are able to help me... it segues well into another help item I posted earlier.

I'm not (currently) planning on using the "main" menu, I only need the User menu for what I want to do. I suppose I could use the main menu and set the access to registered if I have to for the same effect.

Anyway, I copied the "Home" item out of the Main Menu into my Top Menu, but whenever I click the link in the top menu for "Home" it usually appends some ItemID to the URL and I lose ALL menus on my left hand side. I have tried just copying the home entry from Main, redoing it as an external link to just "index.php" or "/index.php" (which ends up only linking to the current component I'm viewing rather than the actual home page).

I'm kind of at a loss. Why would it work from Main but not from the Top menu when I actually select the menu item from the Main menu, use the copy function to put it in Top? How can I get that to work?

Re: Static Text on Homepage (only)

Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2008 5:36 am
by trippy1976
Well, I type all that and then I decided to activate the Main menu. I looked at the URL for the Home link and it was my localhost. So I changed the external URL in the top menu to link to "/" and it works. Problem solved.

Re: Static Text on Homepage (only)

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 11:45 pm
by Biomech
Any ideas on the same thing (static text on home page only) for version 1.0.15? :) (I can modify the index PHP if needs be)