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French Joomlday 2008 - april 27

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 12:03 pm
by opware2000
Sunday, April 27th the annual French Joomla!day will be organized in Paris, France.

The actual maintheme isn't yet defined. But there is few keynotes on :
  • security in extensions,
  • community builder : how to used and setup.
  • template for dummies and for experts
  • extension developpement : how it's work and how it's change between J! 1.0 and 1.5
  • hosting your website.
This Community day meant for amateur users, professional and amateur developers and hosting companies, but it can also be of interest for the professionally interested visitor. Besides the informative workshops and presentations, there will be enough opportunities to speak with each other about Joomla in the hallways, and during lunch.

More informations (in french) will arrive during this month on (inscription, planning...)