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Dev. and backup server for Joomla Qnap TS-409 pro

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 4:51 pm
by darb

just want to give away a tips of nice machine for making backups and also as a dev server at home or for small org/firms.

I have bought it my self and its working fine with a good Qnap community that make better and better firmware for upgrades.

You could also install Joomla 1.5.1 from scratch and have this as a dev server. If you want to know more here is a link. :pop

About this post..

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2008 8:08 am
by darb
Well this was intended as information for a solution that is working out of the box and not for promotion for me or the supplier in any way. I didn't mention all of what this machine can do so its not like propaganda or advertising. But I understand the moderator..... maybe it doesn't fit here at Joomla forum at all.

So this was meant to be a tips for people that want a solution that is really great if you working with Joomla development and need more features like automatic backup solutions, on-line web server and more.

So you can move this or delete it moderator but its really a good product. :pop

Re: Dev. and backup server for Joomla Qnap TS-409 pro

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 5:58 pm
by powerzilla
Thanks for sharing!

Joomla is running fast & smoothly on QNAP NAS. very good.

It is a new approach for power-saving web hosting.