Harvard hack: Joomla-related?
Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 8:15 pm
CNET is reporting that a Harvard prospective student database has been hacked (http://www.news.com/8301-10789_3-989317 ... ag=nl.e404) with the database and site posted on BitTorrent, including social security numbers and other personal information for 6,600 students. They note that one of the SQL files posted is joomla.sql.
What do we know about this? Was this in fact a Joomla! site? Was it 1.0 or 1.5? Were they following security best practices or not? What can we learn about this to make our own sites more secure?
What do we know about this? Was this in fact a Joomla! site? Was it 1.0 or 1.5? Were they following security best practices or not? What can we learn about this to make our own sites more secure?