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Guide:: Use Mos Thumb Mambot to generate thumbnails of your large images

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 3:59 am
by leolam
Guide:: Use Mos Thumb Mambot to generate thumbnails of your large images

We all face the issue that we want to have larger images than the faster loading smaller presentations but with a choice for the visitor to view those images in the original seize so we want to create thumbnails. The advantage of thumbnail is of course many little images on a page instead of  slow loading large file. Some editors such as MosCE  provide those facilities as build in feature but we can utilize a  Mambot that works very properly in Joomla! in case your editior does not provide this feature or does not work for whatever reason properly.

MOS Thumb Mambot
is a feature-rich replacement for the MOS Image Mambot

Features: Generate thumbnails of images that exceed a defined size PopUp window to the full size image (can be disabled)
Add captions below or above Images.

♣  Upload and install as normal Mambot in your admin back-end.
♣  Publish Mambot if not automatically done
♣  If you want use the PopUps you will have to add the following line to your template, above closing -tag:

Code: Select all

<script language="JavaScript" src="<?php echo $mosConfig_live_site  ?>/mambots/content/mosthumb/mosthumb.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

♣  Now you have to change the mambot ordering. Place the Thumb-bot above the image bot and unpublish the mosimage-bot (do not remove:: you might want to use it later). You need to give the Thumb-bot number 1-position and mosimage something like 8 or 9....If  you forget this the Thumbs will not be created.

♣  Set your variables to your liking in the admin panel of the bot


It works only in combination with the  tag. {mostimage}  You cannot use the image manager of your editor to create the thumbs (the bot does that for you automatically!). So as you would use the image-tag you still use that now in similar fashion {mosimage} only the Bot takes care that  thumbs are being created if they exceed the sizes as preset in the admin-panel of your bot.

Note:: After any upgrade you have to reinstall the bot! (the mosimage-bot) is being reinstalled so you have to unpublish that one again and redo the ordering as well. The thumbs are maintained in the content so you do not have to insert those tags again.