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SUGGESTION: Bookmarking for J! Extensions site??
Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 1:40 am
by WebJIVE
Hey, with the every growing number of extensions on the "Extensions Site", it would be great if people could bookmark their favorite modules. This would allow me to go right to extensions of interest to me. I know there is a BM extension out there, might be worth checking out.
Re: SUGGESTION: Bookmarking for J! Extensions site??
Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2006 6:39 am
by ot2sen
Hi BoardJIVE,
Thanks for your suggestion. Like the idea.
Any user feedback will be collected and discussed for future improvement.
Re: SUGGESTION: Bookmarking for J! Extensions site??
Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 8:44 pm
by gsbe
How would you want this to work? I can imagine how this could be helpful but could you provide more info about how the UI would work?
Re: SUGGESTION: Bookmarking for J! Extensions site??
Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 9:18 pm
by WebJIVE
Here's what I do with the Forge site. For products I want to keep up with, I monitor. I do this because of the daunting number of projects on the forge site and it's a lot easier to go straight to these projects from my monitor list.
A bookmarking feature would be a better than forge monitoring especially if the bookmark allowed me to put in my descriptive text. This way I can go directly to the products that I use or forsee using on new/current projects.
Does this make a little more sense? Right now, we're at 500+ products. In a year, it could be a 1000. Since I regularly visit the extension site, I peruse the new extensions. Why not be able to bookmark and move on.. :-)
A nice addition to this is to be able to publish my bookmarks so that others have access to them and my descriptive text.
P.S. Keep up the awesome work!
Re: SUGGESTION: Bookmarking for J! Extensions site??
Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 9:22 pm
by gsbe
I see. So this would be a "Favorite Extensions" list that you would maintain.
You would also like an option to publish this list of your favorite extensions.
Re: SUGGESTION: Bookmarking for J! Extensions site??
Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 9:40 pm
by WebJIVE
That would be nice which follows along lines of other link sharing sites. I just noticed that there is another thread discussing monitoring. Maybe these two threads should be combined. They are separate goals but along the same lines. The other thread is more along the lines of forge monitoring. I just suggested the bookmarking since this module already exists.
Here is one module that does this: possiblity:,39058.0.html