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My first Joomla Site - Suggestions Appreciated

Posted: Sat May 06, 2006 5:05 pm
by jayz10033

This is the first Joomla site I have gotten up and running.  Any suggestions you have to improve the layout would be greatly appreciated. (Content is currently being changed)

Re: My first Joomla Site - Suggestions Appreciated

Posted: Sun May 07, 2006 9:24 am
by jmc
Hi, jayz!
I'm seeing some problems with the header area images alignment (both in IE and FF). Overall, a really good start for ya ... but I'm not sure that the overall "battleship grey" feel of the site invokes any feelings of "healthiness" in me!  ;D
I really think that as an "ideas incubator", the site should be built around a much more "positive" and "energising" colour-theme. A little bit of colour-wheel theory, and a couple of online tools, such as or go a long way!
John Mc

Re: My first Joomla Site - Suggestions Appreciated

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 10:29 am
by mikeall
I good effort. I recognised that layout template too (skidoo-too) as I have used it here: