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Heritage Website

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 9:27 am
by burgh

i did a quick search for heritage and nothing so I may be the first with a heritage website here.

First of all, When I took this project on I immediately thought of Mambo as being the structure to hold everything together.
Now I'm looking at Joomla but I had problems with the migration. I've asked my server folk to set up a new database so I will upload Joomla! 1.0.1 when it is released. A fresh clean install may be what this website needs. I'd appreciate some comments/suggestions on a better structure, bearing in mind new areas may need to be added on at a later date.


Re: Heritage Website

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 10:31 am
by ai
I don't know who was first, but I have recently done a heritage site as part of a community portal for a neighborhood in Dublin, officially launched about 2 weeks ago.

A major feature of this site is a catalogue of a collection of heritage material held in the local library. This was done with a slightly modified version of the mambo-phpshop module. This site is still Mambo - not Joomla - However, I have recently updated a few sites to Joomla without too much trouble. I am waiting for the stablility release v 1.01 to come out today before doing any more.