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Extensions and PHP5/MySQL5

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 1:59 pm
by mpettitt
I've been using a lot of different extensions from the site whilst building sites recently, and, given that I run our server on PHP5 and MySQL 5.0.x, have noticed that some extensions have a lot of "invisible" issues with these newer versions. By invisible, I mean they appear to work perfectly within the site, but generate errors in the Apache error log.
Usually, this isn't a big worry, but when you are trying to debug something that is acting weirdly, all of these errors can make finding the relevent lines difficult.

Therefore, I would like to propose a list on this forum (as it is not likely to be a long term problem - as more people move to the newer versions of software, the number of errors of this form should decrease) of extensions that produce "invisible" errors, both as an aid to end users (who then know not to worry too much about these lines) and to the extension developers (who might well be running earlier versions of the server software, so not be aware of these issues). I know that I've built extensions that work fine on my system, but generate warnings on people running more cutting edge software (or, for that matter, older software).

Re: Extensions and PHP5/MySQL5

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2007 3:39 am
by fabs
would be really helpful indeed to have an extra field showing compatibility to php and mysql versions apart from compatibility to joomla 1.0.x and joomla 1.5. awws the issue will come up more frequently within the next year and not all people will abandon jomla 1.0.x series as soon as that..