Hi! I'm having a bit of trouble I hope someone can please help with! I've installed mossnippet and I've created links at the bottom of articles that appear in a category blog view (so lots of articles on one page, each with an individual set of links at the bottom)... I need a way to get the current...
That was quick! Are you a professional web designer? I did understand what you meant.. but if you take a look at the medley at mulluana image you can see 2 background stripes on the edge of the image... that's the inbuilt css border... when I uploaded the images I thought it might look a little odd ...
Thankyou very much for the great suggestions! I've made most of the changes... the images will take a little longer though because the borders and margins around the modules will need to be removed from css... Thanks again!
http://www.medleymag.com.au Checkout our latest Mulluana college edition.. The kids have completed their program, received their free computers and are ready to take on the publishing world! Launch this thursday in melbourne, australia...
[email]http://www.cfr.org.au[/email] The first and largest connectivity for refugees project in Australia! Donations of second hand computers always welcome.. as is your time if you would like to teach!
Hey everyone, What a great community there is here of like minded not for profits! To add one more to the list: http://www.stoptheblackballoons.com We're looking for volunteers to help with content development... We've secured university professors and environmental engineers to accredit what we pro...