Hi there,
Besides giving the tip below which more affluent Joomla users might already know, I also want to let the developer team behind this great CMS know, that the fact that you take the time to do things right is greatly appreciated. Thank you, guys!
Here goes:
If you enable auto height for wrapped content a small javascript will be inserted in the IFrame just before the content. If the content is not on the same domain as the site, e.g. because you have a dedicated developer site, you will get a cross-domain scripting error showing up as "Access denied" (at least in IE7).
Well, well. In my case the domains were different but the server is the same, i.e. the wrapped content and the site have the same IP. That is, the same wrapped content can be reached using both domains - "prod.mysite.dk/photo" and "dev.mysite.dk/photo". As I could read from wrapper.php in com_wrapper, relative URLs are supported, and so instead of me changing those URLs when stuff is moved from dev to prod I can enter "/photo" in the link attribute. Bye, bye cross-scripting error, and bye, bye error prone, manual work.
A tiny little detail, I know, but it shows that Joomla core developers are doing their homework. Thumbs up!
Avoid "Access denied" with wrapped content
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