Thanks thanks, thanks..just THANKSSSS!!!
@ osfREAK- Thanks for the awesome link, and all the hard work there too....
newart wrote:in that stable package I haven't seen the joomlart winner template inside, probably you have forgotten it...
We classify the bugs in the Tracker in a particular way. Our condition for Gold release was that we had dealt with Very High and High Priority items. These are issues that, among other things, prevent you from using Joomla! (like, it dies), throw PHP errors, or impedes proper use (like you can't install an extension, you can't use an extension on a particular page, etc). It means there are still bugs that could well be annoying (like a parameter not working, and so on), but overall the software "works" well enough for it to be usable by the majority of people.CommodorePeter wrote:How exactly did the decision come about to confirm a gold release? Was it simply a a bug tracker option?