The Joomla MUG is meeting again! I am proposing to hold our next meeting on Thursday, 23 August from 6:30-8pm at Food Inc at 360 Elisabeth St (wireless internet available). Map. The event is also on our website at Please register through this website or reply to this thread.
Lawrence, who organized this meeting in the past, moved interstate. While he volunteered me to take over the Melbourne chapter of the Joomla community, I really look forward to meeting you all at one stage. The next meeting should be all about:
- networking
- meeting other joomla developers
- meeting joomla end users
- discussing hot topics
- 1.5 training for developers
- training for end users
- merging with other Australian Joomla User Groups
- and much more
I also like to mention that Dinah, who looks after the Sydney User Group, runs an important survey on a Joomla 1.5 workshop for developers. If you haven’t done already, please complete the survey on Dinah and I also discussed the idea of hosting all Australian Joomla User Groups under one roof. Have a few thoughts about this.
I look forward to seeing you on 23 August.
Best wishes,