I'm migrating my Joomla modules to support Joomla 1.5 natively. I'm not an experienced php / Joomla coder, though I've programmed web applications in various languages. I've nearly completed my first one, but I'm having problems accessing the database for some reason. Not sure if I have incorrect syntax or what might be wrong. Is there something wrong with the following code. Its always returning false.
Code: Select all
function &getItems(&$params)
$db =& JFactory::getDBO();
$ids = trim( $params->get('ids') );
//$sql = 'SELECT id, title FROM '.$db->nameQuote('#__content').' WHERE id in '.$ids;
$sql = 'SELECT id, title FROM #__content WHERE id in '.$ids;
echo JText::_($sql);
if ($instance = $db->loadObjectList())
return $instance;
return false;