We have updated Joomla! Extensions Directory - Your assistance is needed!
After 2 1/2 years of hard work, the 1.5 stable has finally been released. During this period the 3rd party developers have been able to state in JED if their extensions are compatible with the 1.0.x and 1.5 series. As you can understand, Joomla! 1.5 has changed a great deal from its first beta to today's stable.
We need now your help to confirm the compatibility of your extension(s) and we have therefore reset the compatibility flags for the 1.5 extensions so we can ensure that the extensions run with the 1.5 stable.
We ask you to log into JED and set the compatibility settings for your extensions. The extensions can be set to be:
- 1.0.x compatible
- 1.5 legacy (run with legacy plugin) or 1.5 native
We also ask you to review and reconfirm the license of your extension(s). Since our GPL announcement per 14th June, where we declared the project´s commitment to follow the GNU/GPL license and asked our Joomla! extension developers to voluntary comply with the GPL license, we have made the following changes for the license settings:
We have changed the licence type field and one of the following licenses should be selected:
- GPLv2 or later
- LGPLv2 or later
- Other
We have also added a new field called type there you can state regardless of license, if the extension is:
- Non-Commercial
- Commercial
You can find more information about why we think most extensions should be either GPLv2 or LGPLv2 and answer to some common questions here:
We ask you to reconfirm the compatibility and the license within 30 days.
Extensions that are not updated during that period will be removed from the extensions directory and be considered not actively developed.
If you have any questions regarding the license itself then it should be directed to our legal team:
[email protected]
If you have more practical questions such how to review and make the reconfirmations, then you can email JED team and we will help you out:
[email protected]
Best regards
The Editorial Team - Joomla! Extensions Directory