Why develop a new forge??? Topic is solved

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Why develop a new forge???

Post by cdarbaud » Thu Dec 22, 2005 4:28 pm

Sorry to ask and I don't mean to be rude, but... if I understand correctly (and please do correct me if I'm wrong), you guys are developping a new forge especially for Joomla? But why would you want to do that?

Like Billiken, who posted "Joomlaforge sucks", I am a site builder, not a developper, and I relate to just about everything he says. I've been running around Joomla forge for almost 3 hours only to find all the projects I'm interested in have not released any files yet so I should get my files from mamboforge anyway... I got so frustrated I wanted to through my laptop away!  >:(

However, I would not say Joomlaforge sucks, I would say, Joomlaforge appears to me as an immature yet maybe promising forge. But a forge is a full blown project in itself. It's just as complex as a CMS (and probably much more...) it looks like it's going to take you guys some time to make it work and introduce much needed features like software map, categorization and quick search and so on...

Right... The problem is, WE NEED THE FORGE AND WE NEED IT YESTERDAY. I have a few customers running on Mambo and I want to upgrade them. I also want to set up my new customers with Joomla. For that, I need to know I can rely on the forge to find the components and modules I need, fast.

Core Mambo was good, sure. Core Joomla is good also... Good, mature, reliable. No doubt.. We all love it, we're all convinced, we all have customers happily using it... Yet, the real power of Mambo came from the community. It came from knowing that whatever your needs, somebody would have developed something already and THAT YOU COULD FIND IT FAST on the forge, easily and painlessly. That's why I chose Mambo in  the first place, that's why I stick with it over other promising CMS like Xaraya or Plone...

But I'm worried now. A mature community with so many projects and so many users is going to put tremendous pressure on the forge developers. And open source projects are not very good at handling such pressure. Frustrated developers might end up giving up on their components. Frustrated users might switch back to Mambo or other CMS's... Not to mention, it must be very frustrating for the forge developers themselves to be putting all this hard work into a project, only to hear people complain and rant all the time...

The mambo Joomla split was painfull/unsettling enough for us site builders (not to mention having to explain it to our customers...), why make it even more so by using an unknown forge? Why not use a gforce powered forge until the custom made Joomlaforge is actually ready to offer all the much needed functionality? I understand sourceforge is behind Joomlaforge... but where are all the cool sourceforge functionalities?

Please understand, I am not criticising anybody's work here. I appreciate open source is made by marvellous people happily sharing the product of their hard work, for free,and I am very very thankfull. But the gap between what the forge does and what we need is scary.

Please help me build my trust that I am not taking my customers with me into a nightmare... :'(


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Re: Why develop a new forge???

Post by spacemonkey » Fri Dec 23, 2005 2:07 am

Sorry to ask and I don't mean to be rude, but... if I understand correctly (and please do correct me if I'm wrong), you guys are developping a new forge especially for Joomla? But why would you want to do that?

There are actually a bunch of reasons, and we will be making an announcement after the holidays to explain.

For now let's just say that we were terribly unhappy with mamboforge (I personally managed it for quite some time), for many reasons. Quite a few of those reasons were beyond our control, so we were stuck on something we couldn't really fix.

The decision to start over was easy (remember at the time MamboForge would go down for days, not an our or two), and that decision also empowered us to shoot for higher expectations.

Considering that it has only been a few months since the split, an absolutely astounding amount of success and progress has taken place here. So yes, the new forge is not "like the old forge", but I can assure you it is going to be a whole lot better. We've been working on a lot more than just the new forge  ;D

As well, you need to understand that the functionality gap that you are talking about is not really as wide as it may seem...

But I don't want to steal the announcement, please enjoy the holiday season :) and rest assured we have some really, really, REALLY cool presents for you in the works.  8)

Again, I want this to get done as badly as you do, but we've, uh, been a little busy lately  ;)
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Re: Why develop a new forge???

Post by trompete » Fri Dec 23, 2005 4:11 am

Good to hear that. I'm glad this forum has so much visibility among the core developers. I'll look forward to a merry christmas with your announcement.


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