champion6 wrote:I am wondering about a couple things:
1. I entered all the news items in one afternoon as the user, Mike. Then I logged in as Super Administrator and overrode the Created Date for each one. Maybe a bug in the code associated with using override?
2. I know nothing about mySQL. When I open phpMyAmin, I see this: Language: English (en-utf-8); MySQL charset: UTF-8 Unicode (utf8); MySQL connection collation: utf-8_general_ci. When I look at the tables in my database, I see this: Type: MyISAM; Collation: latin1_swedish_ci. Does this appear to be normal? All of these settings are the defaults set when I created the database.
Thanks in advance for any help.
Hi champion6,
I tried the navigation and found that it is partially functioning and erratic. My best guess is that during the date overrides a database index might have become corrupt and out of sync.
There is a remedy - if you have cpanel - there is a database repair button that I think recreates the indeces. Alternately you can do it table by table using phpmyadmin in the 'operations' tab for the displayed table there is a 'repair table' button. If all fails try exporting the data and import it back to empty tables.
i would also give the dates a carefull examination. Try cancelling any expire dates.
Regarding collations: The database tables created by Joomla 1.0.x should be the default latin1 with collation latin1_swedish_ci. This is perfect for English and most European languages. Your site is using iso-8859-1 encoding which is OK so there is no mixup with utf-8. phpMyAdmin (new versions) prefers to use utf-8 as the default. If it asks you which encoding to use for connecting during an import you should select latin1.