Hi All!
I am looking for a petition component for joomla. It's for a local non profit organization. If not for joomla maybe a stand alone php base petition software?
If you know of anything like this please post it here, thanks!!!
Petition component
Forum rules
Petition component
"The trick to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources..." Albert Einstein
Re: Petition component
Serial wrote:If you know of anything like this please post it here, thanks!!!
An easy solution may be to use a form component that makes the form for people signing the petition (http://extensions.joomla.org/component/ ... Itemid,35/). I'm not aware of a component specific to petitions. CiviCRM (http://extensions.joomla.org/component/ ... /cat_id,0/) is probably overkill for this. Alternatively, there are a number of Contact components that you could customize to collect information that you want (http://extensions.joomla.org/component/ ... Itemid,35/).
just me,