I received notification about voting for Joomla! via email. This mail was sent by SMF. Now, for being "on the road" very often and earning my money with supporting customers I use multiple ways to get email:
- direct from remote server with imap
- direct from remote server with pop3
- from local server with imap
- from local server with pop3
Software used is sometimes based on Windows. Outlook (2k, 2k3) and Outlook Express are some of those products I have to use.
And here there seems to be a problem with SMF:
I received information mail mentioned via POP3 from remote server usinig OutlookExpress and antivirus program was triggered due to an attachement.
I double checked this mail with IMAP using other programs and platforms: There is no attachement visible. I can not find a reason for positive alert of antivirus program (F-Secure in this case).
Anybody else encountered same phanomen?
OE is buggy in this relation as well (some characters in mail cause display of an attachement) but, it's used very often. Also triggering an antivirus program to spit out a positive alert should not happen.
cu, diri