This conforms to the W3 specifications and is interpreted correctly by browsers other than Internet Explorer (IE). Unfortunately, having this statement the head of the template's index.php file causes IE (including the current 6.0 version) to go into Quirks Mode. Read this to learn about Quirks Mode and IE.
To prevent IE from entering Quirks Mode, replace the
$iso = split( '=', _ISO );
$Browser_Type = strtok($HTTP_USER_AGENT, "/");
$doc_type = "";
if (ereg( "MSIE", $HTTP_USER_AGENT))
echo $doc_type;
echo '';
$browtype = "You are using IE";
echo '';
echo $doc_type;
$browtype = "You are not using IE";
Hopefully the future IE 7 release will correct this and bring IE in line with the W3 specifications.