Alex, I've already sent you the logo and you forwarded it to Andy (I don't know what I was thinking when I said Tonie hehe). Anyway, you can check the logo in our website and see if it is a logo violation or not.
Now let me update you on what we are planning for the event:
- It's [most probably] going to be hosted in a hotel in São Paulo with a room for about 100 people (the exact place isn't confirmed yet)
- We are trying to make funds to bring Igor Dutra from London to present a session about the Porsche Brazil website (anyone whiling to help here?)
- There are going to be 2 or 3 short-sessions (20 minutes) with relevant cases that were created by brazilians (thanks Brian for suggesting).
- Maybe two technical sessions (one regarding templating and another focused on component development or the new j!1.5 framework...)
- A speech about SEO or ethics or community groups or anything "not that technical"....
We are thinking about how to encourage people to travel a lot (as you know, Brazil is a very wide country) to participate on J!day, so we are probably gonna provide a "training day" one day before (or after) the J!day. But that's gonna be a whole different event, we are just going to use the date proximity to try to attract more people.
We still didn't discussed anything about selling stuff like t-shirts, hats, books or anything... But depending on how many sponsors we get, we're gonna need to find someway to rise some money to help paying flying tickets (most of the speakers are far from São Paulo, like myself hehehe).
We also didn't decide how much we are going to charge (it will depends on the price of the restaurant that will provide the lunch and coffee break).
As you can see, we haven't decided much (but we do have discussed a lot about everything). Somethings might change until the event but I'll keep this thread up-to-date. If you have any question/suggestion please post here or contact me directly: bigodines@
[email protected]