i have a translation project on joomlacode: http://joomlacode.org/gf/project/sk_translations/
I try to insert on first line this code:
Code: Select all
# $Id$
And i want to have after commit something like this:
Code: Select all
# $Id: sk-SK.com_admin.ini 8580 2007-08-27 11:31:18Z humvee $
But after commit this tag don't be updated. Where is problem?
I'm not a subversion expert and i don't know where is problem ... server or client, but i want to solve this.
For my team is important have this ID updated.
I use Eclipse Platform, Version: 3.3.0 , Build id: I20070625-1500 and Subclipse, version 1.2.4 on linux (fc7)
subversion is native installed.
Thanks for answer.