On of the errors i immediately found after clicking on the 'All Content Items' menu was this one:
Unknown column 'cc.name' in 'field list' SQL=SELECT c.*, g.name AS groupname, cc.name, u.name AS editor, f.content_id AS frontpage, s.title AS section_name, v.name AS author FROM ( jos_content AS c, jos_categories AS cc, jos_sections AS s ) LEFT JOIN jos_groups AS g ON g.id = c.access LEFT JOIN jos_users AS u ON u.id = c.checked_out LEFT JOIN jos_users AS v ON v.id = c.created_by LEFT JOIN jos_content_frontpage AS f ON f.content_id = c.id WHERE c.state >= 0 AND c.catid = cc.id AND cc.section = s.id AND s.scope = 'content' ORDER BY s.title, c.catid, cc.ordering, cc.title, c.ordering LIMIT 0, 30
The source for this error is that MySQL 5.0 has a more strict implementation of the SQL:2003 standard. Therefore the less strict SQL statements fail.
The 'bug' can easily be fixed by the Joomla developers by adding some parenthesis. I'll give as an example of one the changes i've made to admin.content.php:
1) Lookup the old code. It should look like this:
Code: Select all
$query = "SELECT c.*, g.name AS groupname, cc.name, v.name AS author"
. "\n FROM #__content AS c, #__categories AS cc, #__sections AS s"
. "\n LEFT JOIN #__groups AS g ON g.id = c.access"
. "\n LEFT JOIN #__users AS v ON v.id = c.created_by"
. ( count( $where ) ? "\nWHERE " . implode( ' AND ', $where ) : '' )
. "\n ORDER BY c.catid, c.ordering"
. "\n LIMIT $pageNav->limitstart,$pageNav->limit"
2) Then replace it with:
Code: Select all
$query = "SELECT c.*, g.name AS groupname, cc.name, v.name AS author"
. "\n FROM (#__content c, #__categories cc, #__sections s)"
. "\n LEFT JOIN #__groups AS g ON (g.id = c.access)"
. "\n LEFT JOIN #__users AS v ON (v.id = c.created_by)"
. ( count( $where ) ? "\nWHERE " . implode( ' AND ', $where ) : '' )
. "\n ORDER BY c.catid, c.ordering"
. "\n LIMIT $pageNav->limitstart,$pageNav->limit"
Notice the parenthesis arround the table names in the FROM part and the field names in each of the ON parts.
3) Do this for all the SELECT statements where LEFT JOINS and INNER JOINS are used.
That is all!
Good luck developers!