In Joomla 1.0.x - VCard now has a parameter setting to Hide or Show
From the Joomla Adminstrator (back-end) top menu:
Components > Contacts > Manage Contacts > Edit contact name > Parameters tab
Find on the Parameters tab - VCard > Select Hide or Show button
Old info for Mambo
Q. How do I remove the "Download information as a VCard" from the Contact Us page?
A. Add the code below to make the VCard notice an option.
The code below will add a radio button in the Contact/Parameters in the Joomla back-end.
This will allow you to select whether the VCard info appears or not.
Find file: administrator\components\com_contact\contact_items .xml
Add this at a nice spot. (I did put it just before show/hide image.)
Code: Select all
<param name="vcard" type="radio" default="1" label="Vcard" description="Show/Hide the Vcard">
<option value="0">Hide</option>
<option value="1">Show</option>