![Popcorn :pop](./images/smilies/popcorn.gif)
Visitors are welcome to test the site. But if you leave any comments, please remember this is a family site. All registered users do need approval. But if you want to join for testing purposes, I will gladly let you if you will show respect for our site's values. But even if you don't want to register, some of the features are still available without registering.
We hope to "go public" very soon. I used a template called "nambia" but I personalized it with my own pictures. That was kind of tricky since the pictures rotate randomly as the page is renewed and each picture is actually a composite of several files.
I love customizing graphics. So, the whole site is very personalized that way.
I am using:
Jim Joomla Internal Messaging - I still need to figure out how to personalize the color scheme.
Noah's Classifieds - I've personalized the colors and the graphics.
Community Builder - I LOVE this component!
J’s Reactions
Joomlaboard Forum - I changed some of the icons and personalized the look a bit.
Sigsiu Online Business Index 2 - Great tool! - We will use this to list midwives for women to find.
CB Gallery Module
Constructive criticism is welcome.